ChatGPT vs Google AI vs Grok – Who's Leading into 2024?

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Week’s Top Picks

Quick Entrepreneurial Tales, Investment Stories, Interesting Stuff & Resources to Spark Your Fire

First up, the most popular news stories and top AI tools to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey:

(1) French startup Mistral just announced their powerful new model that has been tested to be better and 4x faster than ChatGPT (link)

(2) This 33-year-old has found a way to hack a $2.3 million portfolio and generate $11,000 per month without working (link)

(3) A 55-year-old makes $400k per year with a side hustle anyone can start and shares the #1 secret to it! (link)

Top AI Tools This Week 🔥

🤖 Magic Documents organizes, renames, summarizes, and extracts key data from any document with AI. (link)

🤖 Audio Note AI quickly transforms your thoughts and audio into professional text. (link)

🤖 Final Round provides real-time transcription and contextual assistance during online interviews. (link)

🤖 Caspa AI brings your e-commerce products to life by adding photorealistic human models, animals, and custom backgrounds. (link)

Hey Cashflowers,

This week we’ll be diving into the 3 different AI model Giants, their differences, and how each one was built based on training and data sets. Also on this newsletter is the best way to use each one to the best of it’s ability.

Let’s get into it!


The Base Of AI

Most everyone knows that ChatGPT has been the most popular AI model to date since the start of the “AI race”

Now it hasn’t been on top just because it was first, it’s stayed on top as well due to its updates and still proven capabilities.

ChatGPT was trained on large collections of text data, such as books, articles, and web pages.

OpenAI used a dataset called the Common Crawl. Common Crawl is a publicly available corpus of web pages. The Common Crawl dataset includes billions of web pages and is one of the largest text datasets available.

ChatGPT is trained to know all these different web pages and is meant to not give any opinions based on what it knows.

So when you’re using ChatGPT, you’re getting fact-driven information based on only what it knows.

Now AI doesn’t just make things happen, usually, it just makes what’s already possible much easier and more efficient, as this is exactly how ChatGPT works.

It’s not making anything crazy out of what it knows and it isn’t doing anything that nobody has ever done before, it’s just doing it at a much faster and more valuable pace.

ChatGPT is your best bet for an in-depth research tool, without knowledge of real-time information. Perfect for things like school, which is why it’s the only thing that writes college essays anymore.

OpenAI publicly said that they will be teaming up with Axel Springer, the giant German News outlet, to give ChatGPT real-time information, but that won’t exactly be competition for Grok’s real-time information dataset.

Last up for ChatGPT is this simple tutorial on how to use ChatGPT in different ways to get the best use out of it:


Google’s AI model

Gemini is said to have unmatched knowledge and accuracy.

Gemini is trained on a colossal dataset of text and code, ensuring it has access to the most up-to-date information from Google’s database.

Having this extreme database put it ahead of ChatGPT’s GPT-4 capabilities for a slight bit, but soon after GPT-4 got back in the lead with a few clever prompting ideas.

The capabilities of extremely large datasets in real-time knowledge are superior to ChatGPT’s abilities.

Being trained with Google’s advanced Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), it makes Gemini highly efficient and scalable suitable for various applications.

Google Cloud also announced TPU v5p for AI hypercomputing.

With this training and real-time data, Gemini would be best used for researching more current events, data, and timelines.

For example, you could research with Gemini what products on Shopify are working the best in Q4.

Here’s a quick video on how to best use Gemini:


AI with an Attitude

Grok is probably the most fun and useful AI for business at the moment.

With the power to process information like any other AI model, but with an insane amount of real-time personal data, it could be one of the best AI tools for business.

See since Musk started xAI, it makes sense why he bought Twitter originally.

Now that Musk owns X, he owns the dataset that it comes with: All the Tweets!

Grok is trained on all the information in real-time from X, from all the different tweets, replies, and threads the community posts.

Grok was also trained, unlike the last two, to have its own opinion on different topics, which is what makes it so unique and capable when combined with real-time knowledge.

See it isn’t necessarily a fact-based database, but more of a user-focused database.

This is why it can be so powerful for business because it has the knowledge posted online by business owners and experts in different areas of business.

Say you’re looking for your next ad creative for your matcha brand.

Grok would be a perfect tool to create or brainstorm for you because of its knowledge of user-based data it could pull from, and opinion-based thinking to weigh out the pros and cons for the best ad creative.

Once again, to end Grok here is a video demonstrating how to use it in the most effective ways

With that, Until next time Cashflowers


Cashflow Chronicles

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