36-year-old with ‘little experience’ built a $2 billion company

Let's know her story

Hey Cashflowers,

Hey Cashflowers,

Let’s get into our today’s awesome story!

36-year-old founder of $2 billion company:

‘Being a young woman with little experience was like trying to run with boulders on my back’

Despite her young age and lack of experience, she had a vision to run her own company.

Being a young woman with little experience felt like trying to run with boulders on her back.

She lacked corporate experience in managing people.

She struggled to articulate her vision to investors.

To learn, she relied on her husband, who had recently earned an MBA, and his knowledge.

As the business grew, she hired experienced professionals in areas she lacked expertise.

She delegated tasks like accounting and long-term strategy to them.

She focused on her strengths.

For the first five years, she dedicated herself entirely to the business.

She sacrificed relationships.

This intense focus paid off.

LTK hosts over 250,000 influencers and paid them $2.7 billion.

In hindsight, Box wishes she had hired experienced talent even earlier.

Getting great leaders and raising funds more aggressively could have accelerated their growth.

Despite challenges, her determination and willingness to learn helped build a successful company.

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